Author Archives: Neelansh Gupta

Issue Of Sweat Equity Shares

Issue of Sweat Equity Shares under Companies Act, 2013

The Issue of Sweat Equity Shares is a common practice among companies that want to incentivize their employees and retain key talent. Sweat…
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GDR (Global Depository Receipts)

What is GDR (Global Depository Receipt) and the working of GDRs?

GDR (Global Depository Receipts) has become a popular way for companies to raise capital and increase their visibility in international markets. GDRs allow…
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Private Limited Company Incorporation in Bikaner

Steps for Private Limited Company Incorporation in Bikaner

Bikaner, a city in the state of Rajasthan, has become a hub for entrepreneurship in recent years. With its strategic location, favorable business…
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Trademark Registration in Chandigarh

Trademark Registration in Chandigarh and Importance of Trademark Registration in Chandigarh

Trademark registration is an essential process for any business that wants to protect its brand name, logo, or any other distinctive symbol that…
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