Author Archives: Team LegalWindow

Valuation of Shares

Different aspects of Valuation for a Company to consider at the time of Issue/Transfer of Share

When planning to sell your company, it's critical to evaluate its value before embarking on the M&A process. There are several methods for…
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Valuation of Unquoted Equity Shares – Rule 11UA

  Rule 11UA Income Tax Act applies to the initiation of unquoted shares. As per clause (b) of Sub-Rule 2 of Rule 11UA,…
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Purpose and Importance of XBRL

Purpose and Importance of XBRL

  XBRL is the language of electronic communication of business and financial data that transforms business reporting around the world. It offers great…
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Regulation 23 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015

Regulation 23 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015

  According to statistics, family-owned companies account for the majority of all enterprises in India, accounting for a substantial part of total employment.…
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