Author Archives: Team LegalWindow

Trademark Rights and its Protection in India

Trademark Rights and its Protection in India

Trademark is an example of intellectual property. It could be a term, gadget, phrase, logo, or any mixture obtained by any organization or…
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How to maximize your tax saving by choosing the right insurance policy for yourself & family?

The point of getting insurance is that it is a high level of certainty. Insurance is a binding agreement between the insurer and…
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Concept of Depreciation under Income Tax Act, 1961

Concept of Depreciation under Income Tax Act, 1961

Depreciation is a deduction used for the purpose of writing off the value of both the tangible and intangible assets used by the…
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Provision of Charge as mentioned in Companies Act 2013

Provision of Charge as mentioned in Companies Act, 2013

A charge is a security given to the creditors for securing loans and debentures by creating mortgage on the assets of the company.…
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