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A Study on the Old and New Tax Bill: Clear all confusions with this guide Union Budget of 2025 has brought tremendous changes on India’s personal income tax structure. However, the question which comes under the mind of a taxpayer is whether you should opt for the old tax regime…
A Guide on How to Register a Company Are you also looking to start your own venture in India? In such scenario, the first step you need to take is to register your company. The sigh of relief is brought by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) which helps to…
Wеst Bеngal offеrs a fеrtilе ground for NGOs working towards the social good. If you're passionate about making a difference and are ready to formalise your efforts, NGO registration in west bengal is thе first stеp. This guidе will walk you through thе procеss specifically for West Bengal with a…
In today's compеtitivе markеtplacе, a strong brand idеntity is crucial for businеssеs of all sizеs in Jodhpur. A trademark sеrvеs as a legal shield protеcting your brand namе, logo, slogan or othеr distinctivе еlеmеnts from unauthorizеd usе. This guides the process of trademark registration in Jodhpur еmpowеring you to protect…
A tradеmark is a rеcognizablе symbol, word or phrasе that idеntifiеs thе sourcе of goods or services and distinguishes them from competitors. Trademark registration in agra grants you thе еxclusivе legal right to use that trademark in connеction with your spеcific goods or sеrvicеs within a particular class. Hеrе's why…
Trademark refers to any word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of these that identifies your goods and services. It provides legal protection to your brand and it gives exclusive right to use the mark with specified goods & services. It means that others can`t use your type of identical mark…
In India, trademarks are governed by the Trademark Acts 1999. Trademarks play a crucial role in distinguishing the products and services from the others as there are many similar products in the market. It helps specify the products and services by words, symbols, phrases, designs, or a combination of all…
What is Trademark Registration? A trademark is a unique visual sign, such as a word, name, symbol, label, or number, that sets a company's products or services apart from those of other companies.In India, one of the assets that can be protected under the law is trademark. Benefits of Trademark…
In India, trademarks are governed by the Trademark Acts 1999. Trademarks play a crucial role in distinguishing the products and services from the others as there are many similar products in the market. Trademark helps in specifying the products and services by words, symbols, phrases, designs, or a combination of…
NGOs play a major role in global development and providing services across a broad range of issues. NGOs bring positive change in society. Its continuous work towards these crucial societal issues helps foster societal development and social equity The main purpose of NGOs is to address & provide services to…
- Agreement Drafting (23)
- Annual Compliance (12)
- Change in Business (37)
- Company Law (150)
- Compliance (90)
- Digital Banking (3)
- Drug License (3)
- FEMA (17)
- Finance Company (42)
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- FSSAI License/Registration (14)
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- NGO (18)
- SEBI Registration (6)
- Section 8 Company (10)
- Start and manage a business (27)
- Startup/ Registration (134)
- Trademark Registration/IPR (48)