Author Archives: Team LegalWindow

Labour Laws in India

Beneficial Provisions relating to “Labours” under Labour Laws in India

Thе Indian Incomе Tax Act rеcognizеs thе nееds of labourеrs and offеrs the various provisions to rеducе thеir tax burdеn. Hеrе's a brеakdown…
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Company Registration in Varanasi

Overview of the city Varanasi is located on the Ganges river. It is in the southern-eastern part of Uttar Pradesh. It is also…
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Company Registration in Tiruchirappalli

Company Registration refers to the process of forming and creating a business entity in a legal way. It is a crucial step in…
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Company Registration in Kochi

In India registering a company has various benefits as it offers a unique advantage for the enormous growth of business. The cities with…
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