A Director Identification Number (DIN) is a unique identification number assigned to a person who wishes to become or is already a corporation director. In this digital age, completing eForm DIR-3 was sufficient to receive DIN. This was a one-time process for anyone interested in becoming a director in one or more corporations. However, with the MCA’s decision to update its registration, all directors having a DIN will be required to submit their KYC data yearly in eForm DIR-3 KYC. In this write up we will be looking into, the FAQ on KYC of Directors in Detail.
FAQ on KYC of Directors
The following are some relevant faqs on KYC of Directors:
- Where should I file Company filings beginning August 31, 2022?
Set 1 forms (nine forms) are being transferred to V3, while the remaining Company forms remain in the V2 site. This stepwise migration is carried out to ensure that the portal transitions smoothly. Both Version 2 and Version 3 are now fully functional.
Director KYC, Charge & Deposit forms for Companies must be filed in Version 3 post-login on the MCA21 V3 Portal as of August 31, 2022. All other Company forms must continue to be completed in Version 2 as before.
- Who must submit a DIR-3 KYC form?
For the fiscal year 2022–2023, everyone who received a “Director Identification Number (DIN/DPIN)” on or before March 31, 2022, and whose DIN status is “Approved,” must submit Form DIR-3 KYC by October 5, 2022, in order to update their KYC information in the system.
Every Director who received a DIN on or before the end of the financial year and whose DIN status is “Approved” will be required to complete form DIR-3 KYC by the 30th of September of the next financial year, starting with the financial year 2021–22.
The system will label all non-compliant DINs for which the DIR-3 KYC form has not been filed as “Deactivated owing to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC” when the relevant due dates have passed.
- Who may submit an eForm DIR-3 KYC?
Any DIN holder who is submitting their KYC information to the MCA for the first time must do so using the eForm DIR-3 KYC. Such a person has no choice but to access the web service for his KYC.
Additionally, any DIN holder who wishes to amend any of his KYC details must do so by completing an eForm DIR-3 KYC. Please be aware that using the web service for DIR-3 KYC will not allow you to amend any information.
- Who may use the DIR-3 KYC web service to submit their KYC?
Any DIN holder who has already completed an eForm DIR-3 KYC in one of the prior fiscal years and who does not need to amend any of his provided KYC data may complete their yearly KYC by logging onto the DIR-3 KYC web service. Up to the deadline of each financial year, no cost is owed. A cost of Rs. 5000 is needed after the due date.
- Dates that need to be remembered for Annual KYC compliance?
Every person who has been assigned a DIN as of the 31st March of a financial year shall submit his KYC on or before the 30th September of the immediately following financial year, according to the terms of Rule 12A of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014.
The DIN will be designated as “Deactivated owing to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC” and will continue in this Deactivated condition until KYC is completed with a cost of Rs. 5000. This would happen if the DIN holder does not submit his yearly KYC by the deadline of each financial year.
- Is it necessary to fill out form DIR-3 KYC with a distinct cellphone number and email address?
Yes. Your personal email address and cellphone number must both be entered into the DIR-3 KYC form and validated using an OTP. Additionally, the email address and cellphone number need to be distinct enough not to be associated with another individual in the database of DIN holders.
- Do I need to complete form DIR-3 KYC if I am a Disqualified Director?
Yes. Anyone whose DIN has been assigned and whose DIN status is “Approved” must submit form DIR-3 KYC. As a result, disqualified directors must additionally submit form DIR-3 KYC.
- What is the cost of the DIR-3 KYC form?
If Form DIR-3 KYC is submitted before the deadline for the applicable financial year, no cost is needed. However, if submitted after the deadline, a cost of Rs. 5000 (Rupees Five Thousand Only) would be incurred for the DIN status “Deactivated owing to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC.”
- The status of my DIN is “Deactivated.” Can I submit the DIR-3 KYC form?
On payment of the aforementioned amount, Form DIR-3 KYC may be filed for status “Deactivated owing to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC.”
- Is it permitted to file the DIR-3 KYC form more than once?
Multiple filings of form DIR-3 KYC by an applicant are not permitted by the system. If KYC has previously been submitted for a DIN and that DIN is input again, the system indicates that the form has already been submitted.
- I enrolled as a business user under the “Directors/Designated Partner” category, and I later updated my email address via the DIR-3 KYC form. What email address should I enter as a business user?
Users must sign in using the original email address they used to register as business users on the MCA site. The new email address entered in the DIR-3 KYC e-form, which is accessible in the DIN master, will, however, receive all emails and OTP communications.
- If a DIN Holder has previously submitted DIR-3KYC non-web/web-based on the V2 portal in 2022, is that individual still obliged to submit their KYC for the V3 portal in 2022?
There is no need to file the DIR-3 KYC again in the V3 portal if a DIN Holder had done so in the V2 portal in 2022.
- How can I determine whether the director’s DIR-3 KYC has been submitted on the V3 portal? (DG)
To check the same, you must do the next step:-
- Log into MCA V-3 and select “Click to Apply,”
- E-filing by companies,
- Filings Related to DIN DIR-3 KYC Web Mention DIN should be clicked, and
- choose “Send OTP”
- Mention the OTP obtained on the DIN Holder’s mobile number and email address.
- Referring to OTP, move on to the following slide The status of KYC will thereafter be displayed (DG)
You can proceed further after you have verified the Status of your DIR-3 KYC.
- When will the challan for the DIR-3 KYC Web verification be generated?
Yes, MCA must provide a challan upon the submission of any kind of DIR-3 KYC.
- Does a person who has a DIN but does not have a directorship in any company need to complete DIR-3 KYC?
The possession of a directorship is not a requirement for submitting a DIR-3 KYC. Each and every DIN holder must submit a DIR-3 KYC to MCA.
- Where on the new V3 site can I locate the DIR KYC option?
Follow the steps listed below:-
- Access MCA V-3
- Choose “My Application,”
- Choose “Company e-filing” and Then choose Din Related Filing.
- Select DIR-3 KYC Web.
Here’s the Tip; you can also connect with our Experts at Legal Window, for more understanding about the DIR-3 KYC on MCA Portal. You can also take assistance from our Experts if you are looking to fill up the DIR-3 KYC.
Neelansh Gupta is a dedicated Lawyer and professional having flair for reading & writing to keep himself updated with the latest economical developments. In a short span of 2 years as a professional he has worked on projects related to Drafting, IPR & Corporate laws which have given him diversity in work and a chance to blend his subject knowledge with its real time implementation, thus enhancing his skills.
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