Trademark Class 40: Treatment of Materials

A comprehensive guide to Class 40 of the Trademark Filing Classification. Trademarks must be applied or registered under classes and each class represents a distinct class of goods or services. In this post, we comprehensively cover the services which fall under Class 40 of trademark classification.

Trademark Class 40

Trademark Class 40 pertains to services not included in other classes, rendered by the mechanical or chemical processing or transformation of objects or inorganic or organic substances. For the purposes of classification, the mark is considered a service mark only in cases where processing or transformation is effected for the account of another person. A mark is considered a trademark in all cases where the substance or object is marketed by the person who processed or transformed it.

The following services are also classified under Class 40:

  • Services relating to transformation of an object or substance and any process involving a change in its essential properties (for example, dyeing a garment); consequently, a maintenance service, although usually in Class 37, is included in Class 40 if it entails such a change (for example, the chroming of motor vehicle bumpers);
  • Services of material treatment which may be present during the production of any substance or object other than a building; for example, services which involve cutting, shaping, polishing by abrasion or metal coating.

The following services are NOT classified under Class 40:

  • Repair services.

List of services classified under Trademark Class 40

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